Larson Lately

Our Stories...

Monday, November 15, 2010

MoViNg...And the HaTeS

I didn't like the move.. I never say hate or hate anything or anyone but I can say I hated moving. Chris and I remind each other, hourly it seems, that moving to our "love shack" will be so worth it when our home is finished being built, and we will have a beautiful home for our children to grow up and make forever memories in... It's just that I hated that move.

Confessing my hates.. I hate when people lie.. I don't understand the concept - I wonder how they can be okay with themselves knowing they lied and that sadly, really good hearted people believe them, oh and when they lie about their kids, or use their children as accessories... I really HATE that..

I hate when people hide behind their faith.. You know saying that they are "examples" of their religion yet they are the worst example of it?

I actually hate that I took the time to even acknowledge those things.. But those are the things that I've been so stuck on I haven't been able to focus on much else..and its started to cramp my happy outlook.. so I've decided that I should prolly just get over them.. There is nothing else I can try or that I can do to make things better or change them. People do what they do.. They use facades to make themselves look dashing in the public eye, but the real people that they truly are, is on full display to those who have to deal with them on a personal level.

Happy /Positive summary: those are the only things I hate!! So that's not so bad. I'm very grateful that I don't have to worry about my life..our life. I'm grateful that I don't feel the need to cover up the past or remember what lie I told to who.. I've gotten myself into trouble by lying and telling the truth in my pre-adult years.. But I liked the endings of the "truth told" situations the best. There were still consequences but I never had to worry about the lies to be uncovered later in life... Because lies always do eventually come out-Karma some say I guess... but personally I just feel that good people deserve good things.. and people who cause troubles and lie to cause those troubles are just going way out of their way to cover things up.. (this soap box I'm on sure is high, eh?) But these are my feelings and I think they are fair and just.. things always work out happy in the end..and our ending is "SA-WEET!!!"


  1. My Karli Charlie becoming all growd up. Always loved ya, always will -- that aint no lie!
