Larson Lately

Our Stories...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm lovin' it...

I'm totally lovin' it... I have three children that are so smart and loving. I feel like I learn more from them and get more from life out of them, then me as their mom, is supposed to be giving them.

Our son Jaxon is doing wonderful. It has almost been a year since we moved to Layton. Although not far from Logan, it was a huge deal to us. We would be leaving my sister and she was "Ground Zero" for us. She took us into her home with her already hectic life, and let us stay, while I rebuilt mine. Jaxon loved his auntie before, but his heart grew 3 times bigger for her. His school work is awesome...he loves all the kids in his class..and when we remember *sigh, he loves Scouts. He is wonderful in his Big Brother role... he was an only child for 9 years. And now he happily shares that one-on-one time he had with me for close to a decade to his two little sisters that he loves more than I thought possible. I know Gracie loves Chris and I, but I don't think she would enjoy coming home as much without her "Bubba.." being here. He is so protective of both Gracie and Reese. I know if it wasn't for his sweet spirit, our home wouldn't be the fun silly place that it is.

Gracie Girl or Sassy..our littlest, oldest daughter. How she keeps me in shape. AND productive. When you walk into our home you either know Sassy is home or if she is not instantly. When she is with her bioMom I'm so lame...I play with the kids and still run the house. But the extra's like deep cleaning of bathrooms and vacuuming falls behind. Not that I do nothing but clean while she is home with me, but the energy she brings to our home is crazy and its like a "spoonful of sugar". I dance and sing for her, and play ring-around-the rosies until there are two little Sassy's in front me. I chase her til neither of us have air and we fall onto the couch to chill out while watching a movie. She makes me a better mom. She keeps me on my toes and gives me her energy. I can honestly say I am a better person because of that little girls heart.

Reesey...what a sweet baby. I use to think she had something wrong with her for the first 3 months. She never cried..she slept through the night. She NEVER threw up or fussed. She would squawk like a peacock a couple times and that was her letting us know she would totally love a bottle. When she started to smile in July I was thrilled. Every time I go to get her out of her crib in the morning, she does that smile and it makes me feel like the luckiest momma. She is just a smitch away from rolling over. And she is holding her head very well while on her tummy. Its so funny to see the chins pull away from her face and you can see her in the "single chin" light that she was born to be in :)

I'm going to boast a little and say that the happiness and contentment that my kids have AND show are reflections of Chris' and my marriage. Since we are happy and are at peace finally with our lives, I think it keeps our home happy and at peace. I don't know...but I do know that life is awesome. Its never been this way and I know I won't let it go away. I'm very grateful for the family I have been given. And I couldn't be lovin' it more!!!

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